He returns to where it all began: the photographic medium. Zwartjes has a unique approach to his work, where technique and process are central to his artistic vision. Using an analog 8x10” view camera. The camera is heavy, large, and at first glance seems far from practical. It allows only one photo to be taken at a time. What would be a discouraging limitation for many, he views as a challenge and an invitation to delve deeper into his work. This is not a camera with which you press the shutter thoughtlessly; every moment must be carefully considered, every shot must be worth the effort.
This camera forces him to take a step back, to take the time to really look, and to think deeply about what he wants to capture. Instead of being guided by fleeting impulses, he is compelled to make both conscious and unconscious choices. What does the subject mean to him? What makes this particular moment or object worth capturing? These questions are the core of his creative process. He does not direct his lens at the most spectacular or striking scenes, but at simple, everyday subjects that subtly catch his attention: a flower with delicate petals, a weathered can that once shined, a toy car that evokes childhood memories, or a tulip showing a lush beauty in its play of forms.
It is these seemingly inconspicuous objects that fascinate him, challenging him to look beyond the surface and discover hidden beauty. In these simple objects, he finds a richness of form, color, and even a touch of magic. Every detail, no matter how small, is captured with care and attention, as a tribute to the everyday that is so often overlooked.
His approach to photography is profound and thoughtful. He strives not only for technical perfection but also for a work of art that resonates emotionally and conveys something essential—about the subject, about himself, and about the world as he sees it. For him, the process of making a photo is not merely about capturing the right moment; it is also a way to explore and deepen his relationship with the subject. He sees himself as more than just a photographer; he is also a medium, a channel through which his perceptions and experiences are transformed into images. Every image he creates is imbued with his personal reflections, feelings, and memories.
For him, photography is more than just capturing a specific image. It is a journey inward, a process of introspection and self-expression. Each image is an honest and open representation of what he has seen and felt, filtered through his unique perspective. In the simple objects he chooses to photograph, he finds not only aesthetic beauty but also a deeper meaning that often goes unnoticed in the hurried world around us. His work invites viewers to pause, to pay attention to the small things, and to see the world with new eyes—eyes that appreciate both the magic and simplicity of the everyday.
The outcomes of his work are unpredictable. Sometimes classic images emerge, refined and timeless, while at other times raw, unpolished photos emerge that reveal a different side of reality. What fascinates him is how people see things in his work that he never anticipated when he took the photos. For him, it ultimately comes down to curiosity—he is simply intrigued by how the subject evolves.
Feel free to contact me for all your inquiries:
E-mail info@jasperzwartjes.nl or phone +31 654 211 099